One Stop Service

Golden Plus Verified Supplier

20 Years Production Experience



  • Carton wrapping film

    Carton wrapping film

    Plastic Film Introduction Plastic film is a versatile material that is widely used in various industries and everyday life. It is a thin, flexible sheet made from polymers, primarily polyethylene, polypropylene, or PVC. Plastic films have become an integral part of packaging, agriculture, cons...

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  • Aluminum foil food container

    Aluminum foil food container

    Aluminum foil is a versatile material that has various applications in our daily lives. It is commonly used for packaging purposes, especially in the form of aluminum cans and containers. In this article, we will explore the uses and benefits of aluminum foil in detail. In addition to packag...

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  • Aluminum foil tray

    Aluminum foil tray

    Aluminum foil is a versatile material that has various applications in our daily lives. It is commonly used for packaging purposes, especially in the form of aluminum cans and containers. In this article, we will explore the uses and benefits of aluminum foil in detail. In addition to packagi...

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  • Stretch film

    Stretch film

    Plastic Film Introduction Plastic film is a versatile material that is widely used in various industries and everyday life. It is a thin, flexible sheet made from polymers, primarily polyethylene, polypropylene, or PVC. Plastic films have become an integral part of packaging, agriculture, co...

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  • Aseptic brick carton

    Aseptic brick carton

    Aseptic packaging is a well-accepted technique for the preservation of liquid and particulate foods. Sterilization of food packaging materials and food contact surfaces is indispensable in the aseptic packaging system. The common methods of sterilization include chemical methods, ...

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